1. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2019),Initial bank loans, zero-leverage firms and stock market liquidity: New empirical evidence from the UK, Journal of Economic Studies,Vol. 46(5), pp.1028-1051.
2. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2019),The price behaviour around initial loan announcements: Evidence from zero-leverage firms in the UK, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol.50, pp.191-200.
3. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2020),Post earnings announcement drift and zero leverage firms: Evidence from the UK stock market,Journal of Business Research,Vol.116, pp.13-26.
4. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2020),The price and liquidity impact of China forbidding initial coin offerings on the cryptocurrency market, Applied Economics Letters, Vol.27,pp.1695-1698.
5. AndongWang, RobertHudson*,Mark Rhodes, Sijia Zhang, and Andros Gregoriou,(2020), Stock liquidity and return distribution: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange, Finance Research Letters,Vol.39,101539.
6. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2020),Cryptocurrencies in portfolios: Return-liquidity trade-off around China forbidding initial coin offerings, Applied Economics Letters,Vol.28(12),pp.1036-1040.
7. Wei Yue, Sijia Zhang* and Qiang Zhang,(2020),Asymmetric news effects on cryptocurrency liquidity: An event study perspective. Finance Research Letters.Vol.41,101799.
8. Sijia Zhang, Andros Gregoriou*,(2021),The impact of order flow on event study returns: New evidence from zero-leverage firms,Vol.80,pp.627-634. QuarterlyReview of Economics and Finance,Vol.80,pp627-634.